Choose a partner …

En Français, SVP!

“Get with a partner and …” I’m pretty sure that most students don’t listen to instructions after these words are said because 1) they’re so excited to work with a friend of theirs, or 2) they’re terrified because they’re shy and don’t want to work with someone else.

This year, I decided that I was going to end some of the madness and chaos that is choosing a partner. I know that the shy kids won’t get over being shy because of it, but I’m thinking that it’s going to be a good step in the right direction.

You may have seen these floating around before, where students pick a partner to be their “Rouge” partner or their “Paris” partner. I went with cities so that I could work in culture! So, each students chose a different partner for each city on my list, and now I can say “trouve…

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